Audio Commons Mediator (V2)
The Audio Commons Mediator is a central piece in the Audio Commons Ecosystem which facilitates the interconnection of all services and allows developers to access them using a unified API. This particular version of the mediator, V2, is implemented using semantic technologies and provides similar functionality to the mediator V2 but with a different API and using the Audio Commons Ontology to represent and process all data.
Open Audio Commons Mediator (v2)
More information about the Audio Commons Mediator V2 and how to connect to the Audio Commons Ecosystem can be found in the Audio Commons documents Deliverable 2.7 and Deliverable 2.8.
Note that the Audio Commons services, mediator and API are in a prototyping state. Performance might not be optimal and some errors and inconsistencies might appear here and there. You can report bugs and provide general feedback by opening issues in the source code repository.