News | February 2019By Audio Commons Consortium The AudioCommons project has come to an end The Horizon 2020 EU-funded AudioCommons project has officially ended on 31st of January 2019. Between 2016 and 2019, the AudioCommons consortium has carried out a very large amount of work and succeeded in...
Tools Researchers | February 2019By Frederic Font Audio Commons Datasets During the development of the Audio Commons project we have created a number of data collections of interest for research purposes. The complete list of these data collections with information about their availability...
Tools Researchers Creators | January 2019By Andy Pearce Timbral explorer Timbral explorer is a demonstration of the work conducted as part of Work Package 5, and based from the Sound Map Visualizer developed at MTG. The aim of this work package was to...
News | January 2019By Lizzie Wilson and Jorge del Bosque Unspoken Word: a Creative Springboard Musical Tool Unspoken Word is an open source software project that aims to allow broad audiences to access music making. This is done through analysis of spoken word, which can then be converted into music...
Tools Researchers Developers | January 2019By Frederic Font Audio Commons Audio Extractor: Web Demonstrator The Audio Commons Extractor Web Demonstrator is a tool that allows you to search in Freesound and filter content using some of the Audio Commons descriptors for music samples developed during the Audio...
Tools Creators | January 2019 MuSST MuSST​ (Music and Sound Search Tool) is a online search engine that allows easy searching and filtering content of the AudioCommons providers Jamendo, Freesound and Europeana. It also provides links for downloading the...
Tools Creators | January 2019 AudioTexture Free AudioTexture Free is the free version of AudioTexture, an audio plugin by AudioGaming/Le Sound which loads contents from Freesound, then generate infinite variations of sounds and loops. A dedicated browser interface has been designed for an...
Tools Creators | January 2019By Kari Koskinen Creative Commons: What licence to use and when? Audio Commons is built on Creative Commons (CC), a licencing framework that makes it possible for producers and creators of content to give away some of their copyrights. Depending on the type of...
News | December 2018By Alessia Milo Abbey Road Hackathon On the 10th and 11th of November 2018, the first Abbey Road Hackathon took place in the illustrious Studio One, challenging over a hundred brilliant minds in creating the next technologies for music...